Sunday, 18 April 2021

Mothers Day; What does it mean to be a Mother?

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated by Catholics all over the world. It is a day set aside to honour and appreciate our mothers for the special and sacrificial role they play in the formation of families and the society at large.

To this end, we say THANK YOU to all the mothers out there. Your reward is more in heaven than on earth for nothing on earth is worth repaying you with.

Today is a good day however to ponder and reflect on motherhood. What does it really entail to be a mother? What is the price to pay?

The smallest unit of a society is the family. This is the place where every child brought into this world is being given a foundation upon which to stand as he/she grows up. If we get it wrong at this stage, the future of such child is in jeopardy, and the community at large is at risk of having to deal with a potential nuisance.

There's a popular idea that the intelligence of a child springs from the mother. This isn't far fetched from reality as 90% of everything a child learns from the beginning comes from the mother. As such, what is your child learning from you?

The sad truth is that society has downplayed the role of mothers with the surge in emancipatory stereotypes viz financial independence, financial support to the family, career growth, etc. It now becomes difficult to encounter women who are proud of their identity as mothers. 

Note however that giving birth to children and motherhood are not the same thing. The former is a mere subset of the latter. Motherhood encompasses a whole lot. There are women today who know little or nothing about their children save for bringing them into this world. Allowing the formation of their child to rest in the hands of maids and nannies who are primarily interested in earning a living and not about the character and substance of your child.

A dysfunctional society is a cumulation of the results of dysfunctional families which is mostly a result of bad parenting of which mothers play 80% of this role.

If women are desirous to see changes in our society today, then they are to go back to their families and effect that change and raise the future leaders that can change this ugly narrative.

As a young lady desiring to have babies, are you ready to sacrifice an active career to build your children up until they come of age and can stand on their own and make matured and sound decisions? Don't be so anxious to have children you are not ready to train.

Happy Mother's Day.


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