Wednesday, 2 July 2014


Anytime we talk, my senses take a walk
We kiss and we touch, mere fantasies unborn
“My precious” I call thee and precious you are to me
For nothing in this world can gratify my love for thee
Helpless, enslaved sometimes love do bring.

I stared at your face upon which pictured a cage
The farther I tried to run away, the farther astray I seemed to get
Perhaps I’m trapped already in your charming nest
Oh sweetie! Let me know if need be to fret

For this wholesome sensation depicts lust at its very best.


I gazed upon the twilight
And behold I saw a castle
This castle holds everything I’ll ever need
It is indeed the abode of my destiny
Excitement thrilled me; my future I just found thee.

I looked down to take my first step
And behold there was no place for me to step
Between me and my future lied a mighty sea
And there was no bridge in sight, none to connect we
Sadness filled me; my future, how do I get to thee.

I went into my brain, flipping through the pages of history
And behold I remembered the Israelites story
Then I longed for the staff of Moses
But all within reach were weeds and roses
Despair came calling; I was alone in this.

A passage I remembered, again from the Bible
Behold I am with you until the end of time
I am the way, the truth and the light
I will create a path for you in the wilderness
Hope was enkindled; I could make it to my future.

Since Christ was with me, there was no reason to panic
Behold he walked on water and promised I’ll do better
I prayed and braced up to emulate this gesture
On taking my first step, I saw two paths not a sea
Complete illusion, the water was mere deception.

I then halted confused, oblivious of what path to choose.
One was smooth and had cabs, but its destination chased goose
The other; a footpath filled with rocks, pits and thorns led to the castle
But I knew for every prize, there has to be a price
So fastening my jungle boots, I made out for the dangerous route


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