Wednesday, 2 July 2014


I gazed upon the twilight
And behold I saw a castle
This castle holds everything I’ll ever need
It is indeed the abode of my destiny
Excitement thrilled me; my future I just found thee.

I looked down to take my first step
And behold there was no place for me to step
Between me and my future lied a mighty sea
And there was no bridge in sight, none to connect we
Sadness filled me; my future, how do I get to thee.

I went into my brain, flipping through the pages of history
And behold I remembered the Israelites story
Then I longed for the staff of Moses
But all within reach were weeds and roses
Despair came calling; I was alone in this.

A passage I remembered, again from the Bible
Behold I am with you until the end of time
I am the way, the truth and the light
I will create a path for you in the wilderness
Hope was enkindled; I could make it to my future.

Since Christ was with me, there was no reason to panic
Behold he walked on water and promised I’ll do better
I prayed and braced up to emulate this gesture
On taking my first step, I saw two paths not a sea
Complete illusion, the water was mere deception.

I then halted confused, oblivious of what path to choose.
One was smooth and had cabs, but its destination chased goose
The other; a footpath filled with rocks, pits and thorns led to the castle
But I knew for every prize, there has to be a price
So fastening my jungle boots, I made out for the dangerous route

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