2. Remove The Battery. (If possible)

Turn off your phone and unplug it from any power source. Remove the battery and wait 30 seconds or more.

After doing so, put the battery back in place and turn on your device. This method power cycles your device and eliminates many probable causes of errors.

3. Adjust The SIM Card

The SIM card must be seated in your Android properly. Your SIM card is what connects you to your network, so this is crucial to solve the ‘No SIM Card Detected’ error.

If you accidentally dropped your Android, the SIM can become misaligned, or it may not have been installed correctly from the start. Make sure to place the SIM securely into your device.

If the SIM doesn’t fit well in your phone’s slot, you can try placing a tape, cardboard, or paper into the tray for a tighter fit. Although it might seem like a cheap fix to your SIM problems, this method works for many to avoid no sim card detected notifications.

Also, be careful in handling your device. Never use too much force to avoid damaging your Android phone.

4. Manually Select Carrier/Network Operator

Sometimes, your settings will change all of a sudden due to updates. This change can sometimes cause the network to disconnect.

If these instructions differ from what you see on your user interface, visit the manufacturer’s website for help.

Manually select your network operator: click here for the full text.

Source: Joy of Android